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Give us a place to look up known bugs, workarounds, and let us know if the bug has been fixed or not

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Give us a place to look up known bugs, workarounds, and let us know if the bug has been fixed or not


Once we report a bug and it is getting fixed by Lacerte, we have know way to know whether it has been fixed or not without trial and error.

There should be a bulletin board of posted known errors, the effect on the returns, workarounds, and whether the error has been cleared or not.

Let us "follow" a bug similar to "liking" on  facebook -- that way we see when the error has been fixed since we are "following" it. 

Thanks for the feedback, I will work with the appropriate teams to see what we can do. 


Betty Jo 

Status: Under review
Vote now if this is a good idea
Level 15

I don't use Lacerte but I think there's another website where unhappy campers share their gripes.

Level 8

PROSERIES should have a pinned Community bulletin board of posted known errors, the effect on the returns, workarounds, and whether the error has been cleared or not with the estimated fix date.

Once we report a bug and it is getting fixed by PROSERIES, we have know way to know whether it has been fixed or not without trial and error.

Let us "follow" a bug via email notification linked back to the pinned Community bulletin board -- that way we see when the error has been fixed since we are "following" it. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Under review

Thanks for the feedback, I will work with the appropriate teams to see what we can do. 


Betty Jo 

User FIDO 61
Level 8

A really swell thing would be an up to date specific to application resource of all things considered by Intuit, et al as a Known Issue

This might would save effort and time researching intermittent Snipe throughout each Season

Is it a Windows issue? Is it a User issue? Oh look here is the list of all things Intuit Known Issue - yep there it is I can stop looking now.

(Though judging from the success and how useful the communication of Application changes with each Version have become, I certainly am not holding my breath for implementation of this suggestion.)

Level 15

I have brought this up for a number of years without any changes being made.  I believe I made my annual request long before the current tax season started and I could have sworn someone told me they were going to work on that for this year.  But then again tax season isn't officially over so I'm sure it will be coming shortly.  But while we are on the subject of requests, sometime you should ask me about ProSeries and form 5227.

Maybe they should add an "Idea Statuses" category of "No way" to slide this idea into.  Might as well be honest with the customers.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for adding to this idea! I merged it with another that was similar, in order to combine the cheers for this community suggestion. 


Betty Jo  

Level 3



Please upvote the above link!

It has close to 40 votes. I have been informed these upvoted and comments are the only metric IPM uses to make changes! 

Please have everyone in your company do the same to increase the odds and timing of this update.

Level 7

I support the idea and have upvoted. You refer Lacerte and I much envy that you can even open a bug report. For proconnect, I cannot even open a bug report, there is no mechanism. They say that the software is written according to the law, so whatever behavior is correct. By this logic, bugs do not exist. If I insist, they direct me to the ideas board as if this is a free software. Maybe we did not pay enough for proconnect?

I have asked for the ability to open a case for proconnect, and so far I only get 20 votes. Our ideas have things in common, I hope you can support me by upvoting as well. I am puzzled that I do not get enough support from our own proconnect users. 


By the way, I do not think it is fair for them to solve the high voted items alone. For example, local sales tax issues affect only those people in states without taxes, they should not be ignored, but I do not get votes for that, This idea https://proconnect.intuit.com/community/proconnect-tax-idea-exchange/please-populate-local-tax-rate/... receives only one vote. 

Returning Member

I would like to see an option to add to the main screen where we can select if a client prefers to utilize Docusign (or has utilized Docusign in the past). Not all clients like to sign electronically (and honestly it can get some worked up if they aren't very tech savvy), but there is no good way to track that history or preference for future tax years.

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