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Runtime Error 52 bad file name updating via internet

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

This requires modification of the Windows Registry. Serious problems may occur if the registry is modified incorrectly. Intuit strongly recommends having an IT professional make these changes if you are not comfortable with editing the registry. It's also strongly recommended to make a backup of the registry before proceeding. See here for further instruction.

  1. Hold down the Windows key and press R to open the Run command.
  2. Type regedit and click OK
  3. Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder.
  4. Expand the SOFTWARE folder.
  5. Expand the WOW6432Node folder.
  6. Expand the EasyACCT folder.
  7. Expand the EasyACCT Professional Series folder.
  8. Click on EPSW.
  9. On the right side of the screen right-click on FTP Files Setup Path and choose Modify.
  10. Change the Value Data to C:\EPSW.ftp and click OK.
  11. Perform the Internet Update again.
Intuit EasyACCT

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