Troubleshooting update issues in Lacerte
by Intuit•1• Updated 3 months ago
Table of contents:
Common errors updating Lacerte
Program version doesn't update
Errors when Lacerte doesn't update typically appear as Transmission Failure 702, program update required, when attempting to e-file, or when forms or calculations that should be updated aren't updating. Since this type of error doesn't encounter errors during the update process, it's typically related to the update files themselves.
The simplest fix for these are to run a WebSetup /force. This can be done using the Lacerte Tool Hub, or by including the /force switch when running WebSetup.
Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Lacerte Shared\WebSetup23.exe" /force
Alternatively to a forced setup, you can also rename the SetupYY folder located in the system file path. For a standalone, this would be C:\Lacerte\YYTax\SetupYY\, or for a network it'd be in a similar path on your network drive.
Shared File Path is being Updated message
When Lacerte is being updated, the URN files are locked to help ensure that only one computer updates the files on the server. If a second computer attempts to update the server files at the same time, this message will be encountered. If you encounter this error on a standalone machine or have confirmed that no other computer is attempting to update the server, then the most common cause is the URN files are locked in use.
The easiest way to clear the lock is to reboot the computer. This will help ensure that any processes on the computer that are accessing the files are cleared. On a network setup, it may be required to reboot all the workstations, or even the server.
If the reboot doesn't resolve the issue, then the next step is to manually clear the URN folders. These are found in 3 key locations: the Option Path, Data Paths, and Program Path.
The program Path is the local installation files, and almost always C:\Lacerte\YYTax\.
The Data Paths and Option Path for a standalone are typically C:\Lacerte\YYTax\?DATA\ and C:\Lacerte\YYTax\OptionYY\.
The Data Paths and Option Path for a network is typically on your network drive, with paths similar to X:\Lacerte\YYTax\?Data\ and X:\Lacerte\YYTax\OptionYY\.
Timeout errors
Timeout errors present in a few different way. The most common is a message stating timed out, error 12002, or error downloading File (filename).zip. These types of errors are almost always related to system-related items. They are either an issue something on the computer itself, such as Firewall, or something with the internet connection itself.
For the firewall, you may need to check with the person who installed/configured it. However you can test updating another year. If another year updates successfully, then you know at the very least the firewall isn't blocking the IP Addresses or ports that Lacerte uses.
For internet speed, running an online speed test is the best place to start. If you google speed test, you can use Google's speed test, or select another site from the results. Depending on how many files need to be updated, the update can be over 1GB of data. The biggest file size is 100MB.
Troubleshooting using UDAS (User, Data, Application, or System)
A common troubleshooting methodology is UDAS. This breaks down the type of error into 4 categories: User, Data, Application, or System.
- User-related errors include permission issues and user profile problems.
- Data-related errors include damaged update files or issues with the Setup folder.
- Application-related errors can be confirmed by running TaxSetup or WebSetup, trying to update a different year, or performing a clean install.
- System-related errors include third party program interference, temporary file issues, or internet connection issues.
Recommended Troubleshooting:
When troubleshooting update issues, generally the following steps are recommended:
- If the error occurs when updating inside Lacerte, attempt running WebSetup
- If WebSetup is successful, the issue is likely in the User or Application category.
- If the next update is successful, the issue was likely Application related, and was fixed with WebSetup. No further action is needed.
- If the issue reoccurs on the next update, it is more likely to be User related.
- Go to Step 4.
- If WebSetup is successful, the issue is likely in the User or Application category.
- If WebSetup encounters the issue, attempt running WebSetup for a different year
- If WebSetup works for other years, then the issue is most likely Data or Application related.
- Some firewall programs require exceptions for each year, so if prior years work and the new year was recently installed, double checking your firewall settings is recommended.
- If on a network, attempt updating from another workstation
- If other workstations can update successfully, the issue is likely either User or System.
- Go to Step 4
- If able, have a different user sign into the workstation having the issue.
- If a different user works on the same workstation, then the issue has to be in the User space. A local IT technician may be needed to determine the differneces between the user profiles.
- If other users have the same issue on the same workstation, it's likely something System related. See the System section below for more test, although these may need a local IT technician to test or resolve.
Troubleshooting Tests
For specific tests that can be done in each UDAS category, expand the sections below: