The CLPack utility also makes a backup of the database files. The backup files are created in the data directory that CLPack repaired. For example, if you run CLPack on your individual database, and data path is C:\Lacerte\YYTax\IDATA, the backup files are created in the IDATA folder.
When you run CLPack for the first time, the utility will create a DATA?I07.001 file for each file in your database. The next time CLPack is initiated, a new set of files will be created with an extension of *.002 and so on. These files can be restored by copying them to a new folder and changing the file extension from .001 to *.DBF. Then, run CLPack on this folder to create corresponding *.IDX files for a complete database. Once the database is complete, copy over the Detail files to the new folder.