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Common questions about New York Part Year / Nonresident Information in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 8 months ago

Enter information related to peart year and nonresident for NY in:

  1. Go to Input Return State and Local Part-YR./Nonres. Information.
  2. Choose NY Part-Year/Nonresident Info.

To generate a New York part-year resident return:

  1. Go to Input Return General Client Information.
  2. Local the Resident Status section towards the top of the screen.
  3. Uncheck the box Full Year Resident?
  4. Go to Input Return State and Local.
  5. Select Part-YR./Nonres. Information.
  6. Choose NY Part-Year/Nonresident Info.

If the Taxpayer & Spouse became a New York resident during the tax year:

  1. Check the box Moved into New York State.
  2. Enter the date the Taxpayer & Spouse moved into New York in the field *Date moved into (or out of) NY state

If the Taxpayer & Spouse moved out of New York during the tax year:

  1. Enter the date the Taxpayer & Spouse moved out of NY in the field Date moved into (or out of) NY state.
  2. Check the applicable box under the subsection *Moved From NY State
    • Received income from New York or
    • Received no income from New York

Note: There's only one input field for the date moved into or out of New York because the state does not support separate residency periods for the Taxpayer & Spouse.

  1. Go to Input Return Income Wages, Salaries, Tips (W-2)
  2. Ensure that the Taxpayer and/or Spouse wages as shown on the W-2 have been entered in box (1) Wages, tips, etc.
  3. Go to Input Return State and Local  Part-YR./Nonres. Information.
  4. Choose NY State Wage Allocation.
  5. If the W-2 subject to allocation belongs to the spouse, check the Spouse box; otherwise, leave this box blank.
  6. Select the W-2 to be allocated from the Name or number of W-2 (MANDATORY) drop-down menu.
  7. Complete all other applicable fields under the Wages Allocation to New York State section:
    • Holidays
    • Sick Leave
    • Vacation
    • Nonworking days
    • Days worked outside New York
    • Days worked at home
  8. If there are additional W-2s to be allocated, click the + sign at the top of the screen to add additional W-2s.
  9. Repeat these Steps for each W-2 to be allocated on NY Form IT-203-B.

ProConnect Tax will automatically complete; Wages to be allocatedTotal days and Saturdays and Sundays (not worked). You may use the override fields provided to override the automatic calculation on Form IT-203-B.

Additional Information:

  • If calculating days worked outside of New York, figure total working days without weekends (e.g. 52 weeks with two weekend days would have 261 working days: 365  - 104). A negative amount of NY income on Form IT-203, line 1, is usually a result of having too many days entered.
  • ProConnect Tax will not accept less than 365 days for the total year. If the taxpayer wants to show less than 365 days worked for that company, make an entry in Other non-working days for the amount of days they did not work for that company.
ProConnect Tax

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