If your client was a resident of New York City or Yonkers for entire year:
- On the left-side menu, select General.
- Click on the Client Information screen.
- Scroll down to the New York Information section.
- In the NYC/Yonkers Resident field, select option 2 or 3.
If your client was a part-year resident of New York City or Yonkers, follow these steps to generate Form IT-360.1:
- On the left-side menu, select State & Local.
- Click on Taxes.
- Select the NY Change of City Resident (IT-360.1) screen.
- Complete the necessary entries in the NYC or Yonkers column:
- City resident from date
- City resident to date
- The County while nonresident
- The Number of full months in residence period
- The Allocation percentage. This will be used to allocate the federal amounts to NYC or Yonkers.
If your client needs to file Form Y-203, Yonkers Nonresident Earnings Tax:
- On the left-side menu, select State & Local.
- Click on Taxes.
- Select the Yonkers Nonres Earnings Tax (Y-203) screen.
If your client needs to file Form NYC-202 for a New York City Unincorporated Business:
- On the left-side menu, select Income.
- Click on Business Income (Sch C).
- Press the X more button at the top right of the input screen, then select State & Local.
- Check the box labeled New York City unincorporated business.
The Schedule C information will flow to NYC-202 automatically. For additional input, use the State & Local section in the screens, NYC Unincorporated Business (TP) and NYC Unincorporated Business (SP).