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Generating Form NYC-202, New York City Unincorporated Business tax return in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 5 months ago

Select the applicable set of instructions below for assistance with generating Form NYC-202 in the Individual module of Lacerte.

Generating NY-202 for a Schedule C sole proprietorship

  1. Go to Screen 16, Business Income (Sch. C).
  2. Scroll down to the New York Miscellaneous Information section.
  3. Check the box labeled New York City unincorporated business.
  4. Go to Screen 54, Taxes.
  5. Select NYC Unincorporated Business (Taxpayer) or NYC Unincorporated Business (Spouse) from the left navigation menu.
  6. Complete any necessary entries that didn't flow from Screen 16, Business Income (Sch. C).
    • The Business Information section automatically flows to Form NYC-202 from Screen 16, Business Income (Sch. C).

Generating NY-202 for a Schedule E rental activity

  1. Go to Screen 18, Rental & Royalty Inc. (Sch. E).
  2. Scroll down to the New York Information section.
  3. Enter 1 or 2 in the UBT rental: 1= inside NYC, 2= outside NYC (NY) field (code 82).
    o Press F1 on your keyboard while in this field to see more information about what each entry does.
  4. Go to Screen 54, Taxes.
  5. Select NYC Unincorporated Business (Taxpayer) or NYC Unincorporated Business (Spouse) from the left navigation menu.
  6. Complete any necessary entries that didn't flow from Screen 18, Rental & Royalty Inc. (Sch. E).

Generating NY-202 for any other business activity:

  1. Go to Screen 54, Taxes.
  2. Select NYC Unincorporated Business (Taxpayer) or NYC Unincorporated Business (Spouse) from the left navigation menu.
  3. Complete any necessary entries.

How do I force long-form NYC-202 to generate and suppress short-form NYC-202S?

  1. Go to Screen 54, Taxes.
  2. Select NYC Unincorporated Business (Taxpayer) or NYC Unincorporated Business (Spouse) from the left navigation menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous/Compliance Information section.
  4. Enter 2 in the field NYC 202S: 1=when applicable, 2=suppress [O] (code 148).
Lacerte Tax