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This file is currently locked by another user error opening or saving clients in ProSeries

by Intuit2 Updated 1 year ago

When attempting to open, save, or print a ProSeries client file, the following error message appears, " This file is currently locked by another user." This message can occur for several reasons. The most common being that the client file is opened on another workstation, when the ProSeries program is installed as a network. However, the error can also occur when a temporary file is listed in the ProSeries data folder.

Before you Start:

  • There have been instances in which this error has been related to Antivirus or Firewall not being configured to exclude ProSeries from real-time scanning. See How to exclude ProSeries from real-time system scans.
  • If ProSeries is installed as a stand-alone, make sure that the save location is the default location. This error has been seen when trying to save files directly to a CD.
  • This article references default installation paths and uses YY to reference the tax year in 20YY format. C: will always indicate the local drive and X: will always indicate the network drive.
  • Some steps will require you to access hidden files and folders on your Windows PC. Click here for instruction on how to make those files and folders visible.

To remove temporary files:

  1. Close ProSeries. (if on a Network, close on all workstations)
  2.  Open the File Explorer and navigate to the Data folder.
    • ProSeries Professional Directory: C:\ProWinYY\YYData
    • ProSeries Network Directory: X:\ProSeries\ProNetYY\YYData
    • ProSeries Basic Directory: C:\BasWinYY\YYData
  3. Locate all files beginning with ~$, cut and paste files into a new folder on the desktop.
  4. Navigate to the Common Folder.
    • ProSeries Professional Directory: C:\ProWinYY\Common
    • ProSeries Network Directory: X:\ProSeries\ProNetYY\Common
    • ProSeries Basic Directory: C:\BasWinYY\Common
  5. Delete files ~Users.lck and
  6. Close the File Explorer.
  7. Select Start and All Programs.
  8. Select ProSeries 20YY and HomeBase Tuneup.
  9. Launch the program and attempt to open the client file.

If no temporary files exist

  1. Close ProSeries.
  2. Copy the data file from the data folder to the Desktop.
  3. Double-click the file on the Desktop.
  4. If ProSeries opens the file go to the File menu and choose Save As.
  5. Type a different name than the existing file.
  6. Delete the original file from HomeBase.

If the error persists

  1. Close ProSeries.
  2. Open the File Explorer and browse to the Data folder.
    • ProSeries Professional Directory: C:\ProWinYY\YYData
    • ProSeries Network Directory: X:\ProSeries\ProNetYY\YYData
    • ProSeries Basic Directory: C:\BasWinYY\YYData
  3. Copy the data file to the Desktop.
  4. Right-click on the file and select rename.
  5. Change the file name slightly.
  6. Restore the client file.
ProSeries BasicProSeries Professional

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