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Program options that transfer from the prior year of Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

When a module is opened for the first time Lacerte will automatically transfer specific program options from the prior year.

The options that get transferred automatically are:

  • User Options
  • Items to Print Options
  • Firm Information
  • Status Information
  • Primary Options (Network License Only)
  • Primary Print Options (Network License Only)
  • Tables
  • Preparer Information
  • Client Letters
  • Slip Sheets
  • Client Invoice - Custom changes made on Screen 5.1, Invoice & Letter for individual clients will not transfer
  • Trustee Rights (Network License Only)
  • Mailing Labels
  • Custom Filters
  • Data Conductor

If there is ever a need to copy your options from a different path or you need to transfer options and setting again, this can be accomplished by using the Transfer Prior Year Settings utility:

  1. Open the current year tax program.
  2. From the Settings menu choose Transfer Prior Year Settings.
    • Select each item to get more information about the setting.
    • Use Select All at the bottom of the screen to select all items.
    • Use Suppress All to uncheck all items.
  3. Select the folder containing your prior year options or click on Browse to search for the path. This must end with OptionYY where YY is the tax year you are transferring from. Normally you shouldn't have to change this.
  4. If options already exist in the current year tax program you will be presented with the following message:
    • Program Settings already exist in the Lacerte Tax program. Are you sure?
    • Once transferred to the Current year Tax Program, the options and program settings being transferred will overwrite the current options.
    • Select Yes to transfer the options or No to stop the process.
  5. Click OK to finish the transfer.
Lacerte Tax

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