How to resolve DMS PDF printer error
by Intuit• Updated 4 months ago
For more Print & PDF resources, check out our Troubleshooting page for Print & PDF where you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.
This article explains what to do if, when attempting to print to DMS or opening the DMS program, triggers the following error:
The DMS PDF Printer is not correctly installed. You will still be able to use DMS, but you will not be able to print to DMS from other programs. Verify that you have rights to install printers and run DMS Setup again.
- Close the error and DMS.
- Make sure your user login has rights to install printers (may have to login as Admin).
- Browse to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\IntuitDMS
- Go to the Intuit\DMS\DMSSetup file or DMSSetup.exe file and double-click.
- In the InstallShield Wizard window, select Repair.
- Click Finish when completed.
- Open DMS and print to it again.
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