How to enter Kansas PTE in Lacerte
by Intuit•1• Updated 5 days ago
This article will help you report the elective pass-through entity tax (sometimes called PTE, PTET, PET, or SALT workaround) and the resulting credit.
For more PTE resources, check out our dedicated Tax topics page where you'll find a list of all PTE states and the respective content for each.
- Go to Screen 53.061, Kansas Credits.
- Under the Kansas Refundable Credits section, enter the amount in the Credit for tax paid on K-120S field.
- This flows to Line 26 of Form K-40.
- Go to Screen 37.061, Kansas Miscellaneous Information.
- Under the Kansas Information section, find the lines for SALE Parity Election (PTET).
- Select one of the two checkboxes:
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level
- This marks box N "Are you electing to be subject to tax at the entity level?" on page 1 of KS K-120S, calculates tax on page 2, and completes Part IV - Partners or shareholders distribution of income on page 5.
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level AND to tax 100% of the income for Kansas residents.
- This marks box O "Mark this box if electing to be taxed at the entity level and wishing to tax 100% of the income for Kansas residents" on page 1 of KS K-120S, calculates tax on page 2, and completes Part IV - Partners or shareholders distribution of income on page 5.
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level
A report for those electing to pay income tax on the K-120S is generated, called the K-9 Kansas Statement.
S Corporation
- Go to Screen 42.061, Kansas Miscellaneous Information.
- Under the Kansas Information section, find the lines for SALE Parity Election (PTET).
- This marks box O "Mark this box if electing to be taxed at the entity level and wishing to tax 100% of the income for Kansas residents" on page 1 of KS K-120S, calculates tax on page 2, and completes Part IV - Partners or shareholders distribution of income on page 5.
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level
- This marks box N "Are you electing to be subject to tax at the entity level?" on page 1 of KS K-120S, calculates tax on page 2, and completes Part IV - Partners or shareholders distribution of income on page 5.
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level AND to tax 100% of the income for Kansas residents.
- This marks box O "Mark this box if electing to be taxed at the entity level and wishing to tax 100% of the income for Kansas residents" on page 1 of KS K-120S, calculates tax on page 2, and completes Part IV - Partners or shareholders distribution of income on page 5.
- Electing to be subject to tax at the entity level
A report for those electing to pay income tax on the K-120S is generated, called the K-9 Kansas Statement.