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Lacerte login screen appears as a white window with no way to log in

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

When attempting to log into Lacerte, the login window is white or blank and does not provide a way to log in.

Verify you are running the most current version of Lacerte. Prior versions were dependent on Internet Explorer which is no longer supported. There are three ways you can update your program:

  1. Web Setup
  2. Lacerte Tool Hub
  3. Intuit My Account dashboard

After making sure that Lacerte is up to date, open Tool Hub and from the Program tab select Clear Cache.

Clearing the program browser cache:

  1. Close Lacerte.
  2. Open File Explorer.
  3. Browse to the CefSharpBrowserCaches folder:
    • The default location is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Intuit\Common\CefSharpBrowserCaches
    • For Intuit Hosting users the location is H:\Settings\Users\ # \AppData\Local\Intuit\Common
    • The Username portion of the path will be your Windows Username.
    • This does contain a hidden folder. To show hidden folders: In File Explorer, select the View tab, then check Hidden Items.
  4. Find the wYYtax folder for the year impacted.
  5. Right click on the folder and select Rename.
    • For Intuit Hosting users use F2 to Rename the file if your screen is maximized or in File Explorer select Home then Rename.
  6. Add OLD to the end.
    • Example: w21taxOLD
  7. Open Lacerte.
  8. The cache will be rebuilt automatically.

Lacerte Tax

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