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Printing e-file signature forms for a client or in batch in ProSeries

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

ProSeries Professional offers the Print EF Signature Form feature, which lets you quickly and easily print out only the electronic filing signature forms applicable to the tax client.

To use Print EF Signature Form:

  1. Open the client desired from the HomeBase.
  2. From the File menu, select Print Signature Forms.
    • You may also access this feature through the ProSeries Print Center by selecting Print EF Signature Forms.
  3. Using the check boxes, you may choose to print both Federal or State return signature documents
    • If multiple states are attached to the client, the Choose button to select states will be available.
  4. If the return contains a bank product request, the necessary signature documents and applications will be printed.

Using the Batch Print EF Signature Form feature:

To help save even more time, ProSeries also offers a Batch Print EF Signature Form feature.  This feature provides the ability to quickly and easily print out only the electronic filing signature forms applicable to the selected tax clients in the HomeBase view.

  1. Highlight the desired clients from the HomeBase.
  2. From the File menu, select Print Signature Forms.
    • You may also access this feature through the ProSeries Print Center by selecting Batch Print EF Sig. Forms.
  3. Using the check boxes, you may choose to print both Federal and/or State return signature documents.
  4. If the return contains a bank product request, the necessary signature documents and applications will be printed.
ProSeries Professional

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