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E-filing 1099s and W-2s through EasyACCT's Information Return System

by Intuit Updated 2 months ago

For details on e-filing W-2s, see E-filing Form W-2 in EasyACCT.

First time filers:

Step 1: Complete the transmitter settings

  1. Go to System Navigator > Transmit Electronic Returns > Transmission Settings.
  2. Complete the Transmitter Information tab.
    • The Transmitter PIN is obtained from the SSA.
  3. Complete the Contact Information tab.
    • The Transmitter Control Code is obtained from the IRS.
  4. Close when finished.

Step 2: Prepare the file

  1. Open the company in the Information Return System.
  2. Prepare the W-2/1099 data.
  3. Close.
  4. From the System Navigator, select Electronic File Creation.
  5. Check the forms to file electronically.
  6. Click Create.
  7. If there are diagnostic errors detected, select View Errors.
    • You can print the errors, if you prefer.
  8. Return to Prepare Forms/Returns to make corrections to the applicable forms indicated in the diagnostic review.
  9. After making corrections, repeat steps 4-6.
  10. Close.

Step 3: Create the transmission file

  1. Go to System Navigator > Transmit Electronic Returns > Transmit Forms/Returns.
  2. In the upper-right corner, select either W-2 Forms or 1099 Forms from the Form/Return Type dropdown list.
  3. Select Enter.
  4. Highlight the company and select Transmission File to create the electronic file.
    • Multiple companies can be included in one transmission file. However, if the electronic file is rejected, you must refile all companies included in the transmission file.
      • We recommend creating a separate transmission file for each company.
  5. You can print Form 6559 for W-2 files or Form 4804 for 1099 files by checking the box to print.
    • The reporting agency requires neither form.
  6. Select the Review Processed Files tab to obtain the specific filename.
  1. For W-2s: Make sure your file contains no errors by logging on to the SSA's AccuWage error-checking software and installing it for the tax year.
    • We strongly encourage you to run each file through AccuWage before submitting to the SSA.
    • Once the file has been tested in AccuWage and passes with no errors, AccuWage offers an option to send it to the SSA website immediately.
  2. For W-2s that aren't submitted through AccuWage: Upload your file to Social Security Administration's BSO.
  3. For 1099s: Sign in to the IRS's FIRE system.
    • 1099 electronic files are stored in C:\IRS2024\1099EF\ (or the drive where the program is installed)

The program creates state W-2s for certain states, see How to e-file state W-2s in EasyACCT for more information.

For 1099s: files can be sent to the state if the state participates in the Combined Federal-State Filer Program.

If your state participates in this program, first you must create and upload your 1099 forms to the IRS, then the IRS automatically forwards them to the participating state.

  1. Go in to the IRS program and select Return Preparation.
  2. Open the Company and select Prepare Forms/Returns.
  3. Select COMP INFO from the Forms Selection screen.
  4. Select the Electronic Filing tab at the top.
  5. Check the Participate in the Combined Federal/State Filer Program box.
  6. Save.
  7. Continue to create and transmit your electronic file to the IRS.
  8. The IRS will send the file to the state.
Intuit EasyACCT

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