Accepted Amended Returns | All business amended returns that have been accepted by the IRS or state taxing authorities. This report is sorted by each amended return's electronic filing status date. |
Accepted Extensions | All client extensions that have been accepted by the IRS. This report is sorted by each return's electronic filing status. |
Accepted Payments | All client returns that contain an accepted NY IT-204-LL Payment form or Estimated Tax Payments filed separately from the return. |
Accepted Returns | All client returns that have been accepted by the IRS or state taxing authorities. This report is sorted by each returns electronic filing status date. |
Acknowledgments | All client returns that have been acknowledged (accepted or rejected) by the IRS and state taxing authorities. This report is sorted first by each returns electronic filing status date, then by electronic filing status. |
Electronic Filing Amended Return Status Summary | Each business amended return marked for electronic filing and its electronic filing status. This report is sorted first by the electronic filing status (in ascending alphabetical order), then by the status date. |
Electronic Filing Client Details | Complete information about each client return marked for electronic filing. This report is sorted by client file name and state code (in ascending alphabetical order). |
Electronic Filing Client Status History | A history of the clients return processing status, as well as the date, and time associated with the status messages. |
Electronic Filing Extension Status Summary | Each client extension marked for electronic filing and its electronic filing status. This report is sorted first by the electronic filing status (in ascending alphabetical order), then by the status date. |
Electronic Filing Payment Status Summary | Each client's NY IT-204-LL Payment form or Estimated Tax Payment filed separately. This report is sorted first by electronic filing status (in ascending alphabetical order), then by the status date. |
Electronic Filing Return Status Summary | Each client return marked for electronic filing and its electronic filing status. This report is sorted first by the electronic filing status (in ascending alphabetical order), then by the status date. |
Intuit Electronic Postmark Report | The date and time a return was first filed. A printed copy of this report is accepted by the IRS as proof of filing. |
Rejected Amended Returns | All business amended returns that have been rejected by the IRS or state taxing authorities, with rejection reasons and solutions. This report is sorted by each amended returns electronic filing status date. |
Rejected Extensions | All client extensions that have been rejected by the IRS, with rejection reasons and solutions. This report is sorted by each extensions electronic filing status date. |
Rejected Payments | All client NY IT-204-LL Payment Forms or Estimated Tax Payments Filed Separately with rejection reason and solutions. |
Rejected Returns | All client returns that have been rejected by the IRS, with rejection reasons and solutions. This report is sorted by each returns electronic filing status date. |