Managing your information with My Account for ProSeries
by Intuit•11• Updated 1 month ago
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Table of contents:
If you sign in to My Account and only see the Training Portal, contact your firm's administrator to change your Role. Anyone with the Training Support role won't have the required permissions for these steps.
Adding, changing, and deleting your saved credit cards and bank accounts:
Before you start, it is important to note that only the primary contact may make changes to the AutoPay information.
To update your billing information:
- Click here to sign in to the MyAccount Payment Methods page.
- Select an existing method by selecting Make Primary or select on Add a Payment Method and fill out the credit card or checking/savings form.
- Selecting Edit will allow you to update the Expiration Date, Security Code, or Billing Address for an existing credit card.
- When you make a change you'll receive an email confirming account changes have been made.
- Changes to your billing information may take up to 4 hours to process.
EFT bank accounts that have less than 8 digits will tokenize and display the last 4 digits differently than what the actual last 4 of the bank account are. This is due to the need for our system to have at least 8 digits for the account number. The actual bank account entered prior to the tokenization will be charged correctly.
Changing your contact information and Firm Name or Address:
To change your Firm Name or Address if you do file electronically:
If you file electronically the IRS requires that your firm name and business address match your IRS EFIN Application Summary. In order to update your address with Intuit you'll need to complete the EFIN Verification process which will update your address:
- Click here to sign in to the MyAccount Manage EFIN page.
- Under EFIN Registration, click on the down arrow to choose the reason that best matches your situation.
- Check the box for I have all the required documents and information to proceed to next step.
- Click Next.
- Enter your updated information in the form. This should match exactly with the IRS documentation.
- Choose the Document Type and click Browse.
- Select the EFIN Application Summary to be uploaded, then press OK.
- Check the I agree to the Terms and Conditions box.
- Click Submit.
To change your contact information or mailing address if you do not e-file:
If you do not file electronically you can update your address without going through the EFIN Verification process:
- Sign in to My Account.
- From the top of the screen, select Account ⮕ Firm Name.
- To the right of Firm Details, select the Edit icon.
- From here you can change your:
- Phone Number
- Firm Phone Number
- Primary Mailing Address
- Once you've completed your changes, select Save.
When you change the Firm Name and/or Address this change will not reflect automatically in your tax software. The software needs to be re-licensed to reflect the change.
To change your Firm Name or Address if you don't file electronically:
- Sign in to My Account.
- From the top of the screen, select Account ⮕ Firm Name.
- To the right of Firm Name, select the Edit icon, which looks like a pencil.
- Click the Edit button next to Account Name.
- Click Save.
Unlocking DMS clients:
- Click here to sign in to the MyAccount Client Password Unlock page.
- Choose DMS for Document Management System.
- Enter the Path to your database.
- Save the code provided. You'll need this in Document Management System.
- Open DMS and double-click on the client you need to unlock.
- Click on Forgot Password.
- Enter the code from step 6 in the Password Override field.
Viewing e-file status information online:
The e-file status for a current year returns can be viewed in My Account. This allows you to check on the e-file status for a specific return while away from your computer.
- Click here to sign in to the MyAccount eFile Status page.
- Fill in the required fields:
- Product: Which tax software was the return e-filed from.
- Status: This will let you to pick Accepted, Rejected or All.
- Tax Year: Which tax year was the return e-filed for..
- Customer Number will be auto-populated for you.
- SSN/EIN of the return you're looking for.
- Click Submit to see the results.