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How to download and install ProSeries as a standalone

by Intuit13 Updated 3 months ago

This article will help you install ProSeries Professional or ProSeries Basic as a standalone.

Before you start:

  • If you need to install the network version of ProSeries Professional, click here.
  • If you purchased a new computer and need to transfer files from your prior computer, click here.

Download and install from My Account:

You must be an account administrator to download the program. Click here for more information about role management in My Account.

🛑NOTE: You're currently not signed in. Sign in now to complete these steps.

If you're having problems, see Resolving sign in problems when signing into My Account.


  1. Sign to My Account.
  2. To download the current year's program, select Download.
    • For prior tax years, select Previous Years and select on the year you need to download.
    • If the dropdown doesn't show the current tax year, you may need to use Renew Now to renew your software license.
  3. When asked, Do you want to run or save this file? select Save.
  4. Select Save again to finish saving the file.
  5. Press CTRL + J on your keyboard to open your Downloads.
  6. Run the downloaded file.
    • If installing ProSeries Professional it'll be CoreInstallerTY24.exe.
    • If installing ProSeries Basic, it'll be BasicInstallerTY24.exe.
  7. The install wizard will start.
  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to walk you through the setup.

I'm not seeing the downloads page

If you don't see the downloads page on MyAccount, you've likely defaulted to a Learn & Support role. Your firm administrator will need to update your role to Employee so you'll have the minimum permissions required. If you're a firm administrator, click here to see how to use role management.

Intuit issued CD's are only available for tax year 2023 and prior. For more information, including how to make your own CD, see here.

To install ProSeries software from the ProSeries DVD or CD:

  1. Close all open applications and temporarily turn off any virus protection utilities on your computer.
  2. Insert the ProSeries DVD or CD into the computer.
    • Windows should automatically start the installer, but if it doesn't:
      1. Go to the Windows taskbar, select Start, and then choose Run.
      2. Type D:\CDSETUP in the Run window and select OK.
  3. Select Install ProSeries, and then OK.
  4. Review the information on the welcome screen and select Next.
  5. Read the software license agreement, and then select I accept the terms of the license agreement and select Next.
  6. Select Stand Alone as your installation type, and then select Next.
  7. Select Next to accept the default destination.
    • C:\ProWinYY is the ProSeries Professional default destination.
    • C:\BasWinYY is the ProSeries Basic default installation.
  8. Select all the products that you plan to use and select Next.
  9. Review the list of products that will be installed later and select OK.
  10. Review the information. Select Next to continue or Back to change your selections.
  11. When the installation process is completed, make sure that the Launch ProSeries box is checked and select Finish.
    • If you don't want to proceed with the setup at this time, uncheck the Launch ProSeries checkbox and select Finish.
  12. ProSeries will now license your program and import your firm's information. When the tasks are complete, select Next to continue.
  13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.
  14. After installing your ProSeries tax software, turn on your virus protection software again.

If a Restart Windows message generates, restart your computer to update the Windows system files before using ProSeries again.

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ProSeries BasicProSeries Professional

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