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How to convert tax return data into ProConnect Tax

by Intuit5 Updated 1 month ago

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This article will help you convert tax returns from another software into ProConnect Tax.

Table of contents:

Which data will convert?

Converting data from another tax software to ProConnect Tax is a simple process.

  • Refer to this list of tax programs from which data can be transferred.
  • If your program isn't listed, or it can't be converted to one of the programs listed, then the return information will have to be manually entered.
  • To suggest a new tax software program be added to the conversion list, submit a feedback request.

Data that will convert:

  • Personal Information (taxpayer, spouse, dependents, etc.)
  • Names (interest, business, estate, partners, shareholders, etc.)
  • Carryover amounts, if they can be obtained
  • Depreciation

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How to convert tax data

  1. Click Settings in the lower-left corner.
  2. Under Tools, select Convert Data.
  3. Click Get Started.
  4. If you have clients who are missing an SSN/EIN, a prompt appears to enter the data. If not, continue to Step 5.
  5. Click the Download button to download the conversion tool.
  6. Copy the Installation key to the clipboard by clicking the Copy to clipboard button.
  7. Run and install the downloaded setup.exe file.
  8. Double-click the Tax Data Conversion icon on your desktop.
  9. Sign in using your ProConnect Tax credentials.
  10. Paste the Installation key into the field.
  11. Follow the instructions in the tool to complete.
  12. When complete, return to ProConnect Tax and click Finish.

To check the status of your data conversions:

  1. Click Settings in the upper right corner.
  2. Under Tools select Convert Data.

The conversion Dashboard will display your current and previous conversions along with a status.

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Once your conversion is complete

  • Verify the converted client(s) appear in your current year Tax Returns list.
  • Open the returns and make sure the applicable data is converted.
  • Intuit only converts data pertinent to the new tax year. Data conversion isn't designed to be a one-to-one transfer and reproduce a current year tax return.

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Backup instructions

ProConnect Tax converts data from a wide variety of tax software. Here are the backup instructions for each competitor that ProConnect Tax converts from:

Other Tax SoftwareBackup Instructions
ATXView instructions
CrossLinkView instructions
DrakeView instructions
LacerteView instructions
ProSeriesView instructions
CCH ProSystem FXView instructions
Tax ActView instructions
TaxSlayerView instructions
TaxWiseView instructions
TurboTaxView instructions
Ultra TaxView instructions

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