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Using SBTPG Quick Collect with ProSeries

by Intuit1 Updated 2 months ago

Before you start:

  • Before you can begin e-filing returns containing a Quick Collect bank product you must have completed your enrollment for Quick Collect. See here for details on enrolling in Quick Collect and verifying your enrollment status.
  • Cash advances are not available with Quick Collect.
  • Quick Collect is only available on current year tax returns. When the IRS servers go offline for year end maintenance you will no longer be able to e-file Quick Collect returns.
  • For a return to be eligible for a Quick Collect bank product it must meet the following criteria:
    • The return must have a refund larger than the preparer fees and bank fees.
    • The return must be filed electronically.
    • The Quick Collect application must be signed by the taxpayer before e-filing the return.

Quick Collect is not a loan against the refund. The IRS or state tax agency needs to first release the funds to the bank before the taxpayer will receive their refund. The IRS issues most refunds within 21 days however it's possible the tax return may require additional review and could take longer.

When IRS or state tax funding has been received, SBTPG releases the funds starting at 2:30 PM Pacific time. It can take an additional 1-2 hours to process and for the disbursement records to reach your tax software.

Quick Collect is a bank product that provides a lower-cost alternative to preparers not already enrolled in a traditional Pay-by-Refund product. Intuit has partnered with Santa Barbara Tax Products Group to bring you Intuit Quick Collect. With this program, you can receive your tax return preparation fees directly from the taxpayer's refund and the $15 fee will be deducted from your tax return preparation fees.

Quick Collect is a direct deposit based bank product where taxpayers will receive their refund by one of the following disbursement methods:

  • direct deposit
  • Walmart MoneyCard

In order for your client to use Quick Collect, the following steps must be completed before the return is electronically filed.

  1. Complete the client's tax return and clear any error messages.
  2. Ensure the return is marked for e-file.
  3. Enter any and all preparer fees on the Client Specific Billing Options worksheet.
  4. Open the Federal Information Worksheet. 
  5. Scroll down to Part VIII - Direct Deposit and Refund Disbursement Options.
  6. Click on the QuickZoom button for the SBTPG Quick Collect Information Worksheet.
  7. Check the box on the line Check this box to use Quick Collect Direct Deposit (QCDD) for this Federal return.
  8. In State Quick Collect Option section check Yes if you would like a state Quick Collect to be added to Quick Collect.
    • State Quick Collect can only be e-filed if a federal return is being processed with Quick Collect as well.
  9. Pick the Disbursement Method that your taxpayer is requesting.
  10. Complete all other required fields.
  11. Once the return is completed e-file the return.

There are two ways of checking the Quick Collect status.

Check for IRS funding on SBTPG's web page:

You can check to see if the IRS has funded the refund directly on SBTPG's web site. Simply sign in to SBTPG's taxpayer portal using the information from your client's return.

Check the status through your ProSeries Software:

  1. Open ProSeries.
  2. Go to the Pay-by-Refund HomeBase View if you are using ProSeries Professional or the Pay By Refund HomeBase tab if you are using ProSeries Basic.
  3. Highlight the client's return.
  4. From the E-File menu choose Pay-by-Refund, then Quick Collect, then Update Selected Acknowledgments.
  5. Click OK.
  6. ProSeries will now download the most current status from the Intuit Electronic Filing Server.
  • Awaiting Deposit...Santa Barbara Tax Products Group hasn't deposited the taxpayer's refund yet.
  • Deposited by Bank...Santa Barbara Tax Products Group has deposited the taxpayer's refund.
  • Unable to Deposit...Santa Barbara Tax Products Group can't deposit the taxpayer's refund because there's a problem with the taxpayer's bank account. SBTPG printed and mailed a check to the taxpayer.

If your firm is not part of a service bureau this section would not apply to your company. Only if you are part of a service bureau should you proceed:

  1. From the Tools menu select Options.
  2. On the left side of the screen choose Service Bureau Options.
  3. While on the Service Bureau Options screen press and hold down the CTRL key, press and hold down the Shift key and press and release the S key.  This three-part keystroke will enable to Service Bureau Information fields.
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