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Is there a credit for type 1 diabetics?

Level 5

I have a tax client that was told there is a tax credit for type 1 diabetics.  I have searched and have tried to find this credit.  Any others have seen this and can point me in the right direction?

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6 Comments 6
Level 15

Definitely not a federal tax credit, but the medical expenses would be allowed on Schedule A if they Itemize and have enough medical expenses.

Perhaps there is a state credit (although personally, that seems doubtful to me).

Level 15

Must be a new barber in town 😜

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

google is wonderful. CANADA has a credit for type one diabetics 

Level 15

You don't say, eh.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5

Yes google is definitely great and I did google and search before coming here to ask.  I saw Canada had a credit and would be nice if we did also.  Thank you. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

A friend contacted me about an issue in selling an inherited home. A client sent her a screen shot similar to this one

Screenshot 2022-10-21 063758.jpg

At least this one gives reference to a tax form which should get you back on right track soon, but the one she had was not so generous. We spent hours tracking it down. Finally I found the quote from a UK tax source. Clients can be really DUMB and/or MEAN at some times. The image sent and the attitude of that client got them fired. 

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