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1040 and 1040X

Level 3

I have a problem that I haven't been able to resolve.  One of my clients married in June, 2019. Her Mother, thinking they supported Karen half the year, claimed her on their return, and filed Karen's return as a dependent being on her parents' return. (we didn't know this) So I filed MFJ.  Of course, the IRS caught this right away and we got a refusal on the e-file.  Mike will owe $$ if I file him by himself, so that won't work.  I explained to the Mother that both returns needed to be corrected. The parents' return without Karen as dependent, then file Karen as Single, not dependent.  The  Mother did this  So, now, do I file a 1040X?  Mike hasn't filed yet, but I do have to file an Amended because of Karen's position - don't I?  When I e-file the 1040X later this month, I will (hopefully) be able to explain this mess. Please give me some input on this, if you would.  I keep second guessing myself.

Jean Anderson
0 Cheers

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3 Comments 3
Level 15

Karen wasn't single by the end of the year, though. Why would the MFJ needing to be amended? All I see is that Mom claimed Karen incorrectly.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.
Level 15
Level 15

Mom needs to amend.

Mike and Karen file MFJ on paper (since they cant Efile due to moms mistake)

Level 14
Level 14

Karen filed a return as single being claimed by someone else (at least her mom did it for her). I would think that Karen has to file a 1040X as MFJ, and her mom also has to file a 1040X.