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URGENT: Allow addition of 7216 consent letters to electronic/IntuitLink organizer for signature like engagement letter!!!!

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URGENT: Allow addition of 7216 consent letters to electronic/IntuitLink organizer for signature like engagement letter!!!!


It's great that Intuit is helping connect us with reliable, vetted Pro Staff outsourcing.  HOWEVER, we are NOT ABLE to add the separate required consent form in with the electronic organizer/Intuit Link request for signature like the engagement letter.  Since it is required to be a separately signed document from the engagement letter, this is a MUST and is very URGENT to implement.

Clients that utilize IntuitLink are the most viable candidates for the outsourcing since all documents are already in there.  However, when you have to do an outside consent form and then double pay for e-signatures (once for consent and once for e-file authorization), this is a ridiculous oversight!!!!!

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