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I completely understand that the idiocy of NY State is not Intuit's fault. But you have more clout than we do, so please get NYS Tax to make these changes:

  1. Eliminate the prohibition on carrying over driver's license info for taxpayer and spouse. As it is in every other state, Proconnect (all your products) warn us if a license expired and prevents e-filng. The idea we have to re-enter this data for every NY return is ridiculous.

  2. Eliminate the NY requirement to re-enter checking routing and account numbers. As with other states, we should only have to enter this if different. No NY Tax Pro I know actually keys it in again. We all copy and paste it - so if it's wrong on the Federal it's wrong on NY.

  3. Eliminate the ID requirement on an extension. Who cares? NY can get the ID from us when we do the return. If it's good enough for IRS to take an extension without ID, it should be good for NY. This should be especially true of seasoned NY preparers. I've been preparing returns for 35 years with NY and e-filing since the earliest e-filing days. They know I know my clients.

  4. Get rid of the brand new really nutty requirement that we include the driver's license info for a spouse on a Married Separate return. Heck, if they're separated it's not likely that the spouse is rushing to cough up their license. The "did not provide option" won't kill the NY critical error - only marking that the spouse doesn't have a license quiets the error. So they're encouraging a lie when the separated spouse isn't in the mood to share license info.

    All four of these are absolute time killers. A complete waste.

And if NY won't cooperate - who knows with them - then make a default setting that satisfies them on 1 to 3 above, that we can override in preferences.

We need this yesterday!!!


Thank you!

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