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File amended or corrected 1099s/W-2s through Quick Employer Forms

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File amended or corrected 1099s/W-2s through Quick Employer Forms


Not being able to file amended or corrected forms through Quick Employer Forms is a dealbreaker. This is essential functionality that other tools such as Track1099 feature. I won't be using Quick Employer Forms until this feature is added.

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Level 15

We switched to Track1099 years ago. It also does more types of 1099s than QEF.

Level 15

@sjrcpa  - I took a quick gander at their website and see they are geared up to e-mail form recipients.  Is it much of a hassle if you prefer to print and either hand out our mail the forms to the recipients?

Level 3

I use Track1099 too instead of QEF.

Once electronically filed, you can also download and print the 1099s yourself. Track1099 will also mail 1099s to recipients for an additional fee.

Level 15

I kinda like to give recipients a chance to look at things before transmitting ------- just in case we have some bummer client info.  You can't print before you transmit?

Level 15

You can print and mail the forms to the recipients.

You can send to recipients and payor before efiling. efiling is a separate step. We usually wait to efile til close to the deadline.

Level 15


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