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Bring comments back to the yes or no feature of the questionnaire and document checklist in the Intuit Link

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Bring comments back to the yes or no feature of the questionnaire and document checklist in the Intuit Link


I have used ProConnect Online tax software since its inception.  I love the addition of the Intuit link, however, this year a feature has been lost that is critical to my business.  The questionnaire has always allowed the "yes" or "no" questionnaire format to include a "comment" link for each question.  For instance if I ask a client "did you contribute to a Roth IRA?  If yes, please list the amount in the comments".  This year the software engineers have eliminated the comment link it from the Intuit link.  In my discussions with them over the phone they have claimed that feature never existed and you need to format the question as an open-ended format rather than the "yes or no" format.  That is not true as I showed them with a screen share session.  All the past years in the Intuit Link the comments option has been available for not only the yes or no questions but also in the Document Checklist which has also been eliminated this year.  

If this isn't restored it will require tax preparers to have to double back to each client about every answer then said "yes" to and will add countless hours of delays in further responses that always were solved with a simple "Comments" link to each question.  Please, please update to match every previous year you had this feature.

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