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Add "Credit card payment of balance due" checkbox on "Dir Dep/Elec Pymt" page

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Add "Credit card payment of balance due" checkbox on "Dir Dep/Elec Pymt" page


Many clients prefer to pay their balance due and estimated tax payments by credit card. Credit cards often offer 2% or more in cash back (or higher value when redeemed for travel), while the current fee for credit card payments is either 1.75% (Pay1040) or 1.85% (ACI payments). Additionally, paying by credit card can extend the time before the payment is due by at least 25 days (and as much as over 50 days), allowing clients to keep funds in their accounts earning interest—assuming they pay their credit card balance in full each month.

We are not requesting that ProConnect integrate with Pay1040 or ACI Payments, or collect credit card information. Instead, we propose a simple enhancement:

  • If a newly added checkbox is selected, the client letter would include a note directing clients to the IRS page for credit/debit card payments: https://www.irs.gov/payments/pay-your-taxes-by-debit-or-credit-card
  • Alternatively, if the checkbox is not added, the default client letter should at least mention credit card payments as an option with this IRS link, rather than only referencing check payments with an IRS mailing address (when not selecting the checkbox for "Electronic payment of balance due").

This small change would improve clarity and steer clients to a convenient, cost-effective, safe and secure payment alternative.

Status: New
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