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Ability to add ProConnect Advance User role to a custom role designed for QBO accesses

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Ability to add ProConnect Advance User role to a custom role designed for QBO accesses


The only 3 choices for giving the Advance User role in ProConnect to someone is to select "Advance User with books admin", "Advance User with books access", and "Advance User" (no QBO access).  For our Office Manager, I created a custom role that included most accesses to our Firm's books, just not our banking and reporting (could not see bank balances and couldn't print a firm P&L).  We needed to add Advance User to her role so she could print returns, e-file when payment was received, etc.  In adding this, the only choice that even came close was the Advance User with books access, which by default allows her to see our firm's bank balances, print our P&L, etc... and DOES NOT allow any changes or customization to take away anything. I called ProConnect to see if they could add the Advance User role for ProConnect to a perfected, custom QBO role, and I was told this wasn't possible... That the roles available were designed with a purpose.  Intuit lists the suggested roles for "Advance User with Books Access" are tax admins, tax preparers and reviewers.  Does any firm owner want a tax admin or tax preparer to have the ability to view the firm's bank balances at any given time, or the ability to print the firm's P&L?  The answer is NO, in my humble opinion.  This needs to be an added feature to custom QBO roles immediately!

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I have done more time with support.  Roles are not ready for primetime.  ProConnect is designed for single person offices.  They have done some work with roles, but it is simply "Tax data entry" role (cannot even create a client record), or "Keys to the Kingdom", especially if you are using quickbooks online as well, as they can delete chart of accounts and major other permissions.

Please add a role for tax preparer.  Can create client, do returns and invoice in QuickBooks.  And NOT have the keys to the kingdom.


We are running into the same exact issue, thankyou for posting.  Intuit, please provide more customization for users that need access to ProConnect and QBOA.  The new roles have screwed up our processes since. I need certain users to have access to customers in QBOA but nothing else as well as ProConnect advanced tax access.  Currently that's not possible and it should be.  

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The deployment of these new roles has been a complete mess. We had our roles setup perfectly where our preparers could add and edit clients without gaining any additional access into the firm on the QBO side. Now with these new roles that ability is completely gone. They clearly did not test this well before implementation. I spent an hour with support and requested a case be escalated and then called my account rep and discussed it with him. He said he would make sure it was escalated and we'd have a response in a few days. It's now been 2 weeks. It's like the QBO team and ProConnect team have no idea what the other is doing when they make updates.

Level 1

They posted a statement today that they're are working on a solution to the issue. From what I read in the post, it doesn't sound like their fix is going to solve the problem.  On top of this, while we were waiting for some resolution, we set up a new user with Advanced Tax Access rights just so my staff could at least work in PC. As of today, that user we established DOES NOT WORK IN PROCONNECT any longer. Cannot print, access client's info, get into ClientLink to send invites, etc.


Level 2

ccturrentine....if you use QBOA and ProConnect, it appears they screwed this whole thing up.  Some of our users are stuck and can't work currently because they can't see returns in ProConnect.

They said it would be fixed by end of day wednesday....still nothing.

Level 1

PFA1981:  Yes they did screw things up. I have been calling them about this since November. I knew this would be an issue when they announced the new user roles.  So... the only work around until they fix this issue is to create a new user in ProConnect with Advanced Tax Access rights and have your staff use this login (in a separate browser) to work in the tax program.  This way, our custom team settings in QBOA are not changed.  This is not a good fix since they cannot perform some cross-platforms task (such and book to tax features) but it will have to do for now.  BTW: the work-around stopped working this week and we had to delete the new user, re-invite and start the process all over again.

Returning Member

My firm is having the same issue. Intuit please consider this as soon as possible so our office managers can continue doing their work without having FULL access to my firm's QBO. This is beyond frusturating! 

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