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Tax returns for retired American citizen living abroad

Level 1

I have a client who is an American citizen living abroad .  She has no foreign income.  Do I just file the normal 1040 or do I need to prepare the returns differently?  Thank you

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Level 15

File just like you would for your next door neighbor. 

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
Level 15

Just a normal 1040, but what is on the 1040 depends on what you mean by foreign income.

It is possible the other country imposes income tax on the income if it was earned while in the foreign country, even if the income came from the US, in which case the Foreign Tax Credit may apply.

It is possible the taxpayer could qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion if the taxpayer's "tax home" and "abode" were in the foreign country, even if the income came from the US.

Check if your client is subject to FBAR and FATCA.