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Requesting payment plan for a client

Level 2

Hello Community,

Can you provide some suggestions for requesting a  IRS payment/installment plan for clients? Especially if there is a way to do where we can request no fees for the client.

One of our clients is going to owe a lot of $$ and we would like to help them.

Thank you

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2
Level 15

One method is to just start paying. No plan, just pay.

Client can make payments online or by mail. Client gets and IRS notice of amount due, send a payment in response to mail. Client does not get an IRS notice, send a payment. Regardless of payment plan or not, there are penalties and interest, so paying as much as they can, as fast as they can is the best approach. 

When the get a CP504 then it is definitely time for them, or a representative to make direct contact with IRS to discuss a plan. 

Tell them to NOT respond to any e-mail or phone calls from the outfits that will help them resolve their issues. They get big bucks up front (out of fear) and generally don't do anything you or the client can not do. 

If you don't feel comfy doing this, help them find a local Enrolled Agent to help them get it done. 

P.S. Get your prep fee before delivery of the return. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

You have asked a catsup question.  There are 57 ways to answer it, depending on how much is owed, how much money your client has, how much they can borrow elsewhere and how long they want to pay penalties and interest to IRS.  @George4Tacks has some suggestions, but you don't help your client with an uneducated guess.