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Where to I enter the three previous year's gross receipts when preparing an amended 1120S?

I was prompted to do this when I had a critical error message. I enter data from accounting but wanted to verify what I entered and cannot locate it. This was information for the CA 100X.
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3 Comments 3
Level 15

There is a very useful search box. See the image where I searched for "prior"


I don't have enough info from you to pin down what you need, but this should help

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
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I am trying to enter the Gross Receipts for the three years prior to the 2019 return. I am amending this return because the CPA that prepared the original return improperly deducted the officers' life insurance premiums. 

Now that one of the officers passed away I want the insurance proceeds to be non-taxable.


I have tried entering; "prior years gross receipts" and nothing comes up. It came up as a critical error and I entered the information from the financials but wanted to verify that was on the tax returns. Now that I have the tax returns I cannot find where I entered the data.

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Level 15

@john.pascarellac Search with GROSS and select the 3rd choice - Gross receipts of the taxpayer

It is in Taxes > Base Erosion Tax (8991)

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
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