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Print email address global setting

Level 3

Is there a global setting to force the clients email address to print on tax return?

I can see the setting in misc. to force it for each client but I would like it to apply to all clients.

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8 Comments 8
Level 15

You may like to make a suggestion for others to vote on and for Intuit to consider: https://accountants.intuit.com/community/proconnect-tax-idea-exchange/idb-p/605

Out of curiosity though, why would you want to do that?

Still an AllStar
Level 3

Thanks for the reply. The answer to your question ~ convenience.

0 Cheers
Level 3

I went to the suggestion board and it was already there with the status of phased roll out of expanded global settings.

Level 15

But what is the convenience supposed to achieve?  That's volunteering additional information to the IRS for no apparent benefit, IMHO.

Still an AllStar
Level 15

Would be happy to vote to support your idea.  The last I checked the Idea Exchange, there was no such suggestion.  Could you provide a link for that?  Thanks!

Still an AllStar
Level 3

I agree, but others in the firm like to use it as a reliable way to track the clients email address. 

It's a complex issue, it's a shame, but it is what it is.

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Level 3
Level 15

@taxsolutions wrote:

I agree, but others in the firm like to use it as a reliable way to track the clients email address. 

It's a complex issue, it's a shame, but it is what it is.

Understood.  But each client's email address is already in your client setup.  The address within your client setup is the one that would be used for Intuit Link invitations, which means that would be a more reliable way of tracking your clients' email address.

Especially if you don't maintain a separate client database, the email address (and other details) in your client setup should be kept up to date, whereas, the email address (and other contact details in each return) is only valid for that point in time.

You may already be aware also that the contact particulars in your client setup and those entered on your clients' returns are not linked - update in one will have no impact on the other, whatsoever.

If you ever need a report for email addresses and other details of your clients, you can always download that your Clients dashboard.  (On the other hand, if you need your clients' physical address, you'd need to run Reporting for the returns.)

Just thought I'd bring this up as some may not be aware.  But whatever floats your boat.


Still an AllStar
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