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How can I enter a value in column J Sch W-2 for Alabama personal return?

Level 1

Hello! How can I enter a value in column J Sch W-2 for Alabama return? (screenshot is attached)

I need to report wages earned in another state by an Alabama resident.  This income was not included in the W-2 by the Employer and can not be reported in column I. It should be reported in column J

How can it be done?

Thank you.

AL QUestion.png

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9 Comments 9
Level 15
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Level 1

This is not what I asked. Firstly I tried this instruction and it shows column I not J as on my screenshot.

But I think there is no solution. I tried everything this weekend.

Thank you

0 Cheers
Level 15

What program are you using?

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
0 Cheers
Level 1

Intuit Proconnect online.


0 Cheers
Level 15

Look at the link I posted. Your input for AL and GA as an example would be like this:

Screenshot 2023-02-06 102241.jpg

If they are all taxable to federal as $60,000 the image is correct. If different you need to read:



Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
Level 1

Thank you, but this income was not reported in  W2 by Employer (Employer even doesn't have AL State ID), so I can not use this table, because it is for w2 only. However,  this wage should be reported in AL because it was earned in another state by an AL part-year resident.

Or maybe if it is not in W2 for AL state, I should not report it, do I? Because there is no way how to input it. Tricky

0 Cheers
Level 15

What is the other state? Do you need to file for that other state? 

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
0 Cheers
Level 1

All wages were earned and reported in IL by Employer

The employee was a resident of Alabama for  3 months and the other 9 months was a resident of Illinois

I input all wages to IL according to W2.

But what should I do with these 3 mounts living in AL? I think I should report some wages there too. I calculated it separately from Payroll. And I think they have to be reported in AL Sch W-2 column J (additional income from other States)

And my question was how to do this. 

AL QUestion.png


0 Cheers
Level 15

I am getting part year resident of each of the two states. You would also need to allocate any other income, such as interest earned. You need to file two part year resident returns and there is an input area for that for each state. 

Alabama wages are $10,000 report in the drop down as AL with an S next to it for State only.

Illinois wages are $33,148 report in drop down as IL with an S next to it for State only.

That will end up with $43,148 for federal. 

Is there any state withholding? You will need to allocate that. If you don't have a state ID, try all 9s to fill it in. 

Here's wishing you many Happy Returns
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