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Esignature Purchase Expires?

Jennie Beth
Level 1

Why the heck do esignature credits expire?  They are not year specific like tax documents.  Is this just another way for intuit to screw us?  I just purchased a bunch thinking they would be good for next tax season too but then I found out they expire 12/31/21!  Of course there is no good way to get ahold of anyone to help with this at Intuit (because their customer service is non-existent).  Any suggestions on how to get a refund?

0 Cheers

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3 Comments 3
Level 14
Level 14
0 Cheers
Level 2

I agree.  I purchased e-signatures for 2021 thinking they would be valid for 2020 tax returns.  Nope.  And when I requested a refund they denied it.  Definitely not using Intuit next year.

Level 15

At the bottom of the sales ad page is an *. Of course everyone notices *s in the text and scrolls way down to the bottom of the multi screen page to see what those * Important offers, pricing details, and disclaimers are. 

In case you were one of the rare people that did not read all of the fine print, here it is.


I could not find e-signature specifically


Here's wishing you many Happy Returns