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Can I cancel an eFiled 1040?

Level 1

How do I/can I cancel an eFiled 1040?  Accepted by the IRS 3/8/25.

Client gave a wrong account number for the direct deposit of refunds.

Thanks in advance if you have information on this.


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4 Comments 4
Level 15

Can't be done. Direct deposit will bounce and IRS will send a check.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

It can be done.  All you need to do is find Superman and have him fly backwards around the planet.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

Or our old friend in Hawaii.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 13

Hands down the very best thing about Drake software: They provide a Transaction Summary form with the refund amount(s) and bank account info for the taxpayer/spouse to sign off on.  I tell people jokingly (but not really) that this is the most important number on your tax return so don't sign unless you know it's right.

Mostly these things work themselves out in the long run.  The IRS has some info here you could try:



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