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ProConnect Ohio Non Resident Q: Sch of Credits Line 33a says to divide line 31 by 32 & if greater than 1, enter 1.0. But it's not flowing. Is there a way to override?

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10 Comments 10
Level 15

First, overriding is usually not a good idea unless you know for a fact the automated computation is wrong and know the downstream impact of the override.  It's always best to find out why the system is not producing what you are expecting and fix the root cause.

It's not clear from your question what is not flowing.  Between Lines 31 and 33, what is flowing and what is not flowing?

If Line 31 and 32 are flowing, are you happy that those numbers are correct?

Also, do you agree with the tax on Line 30?

Still an AllStar
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Level 15

Intuit is not perfect and there are times when they get things wrong but I always give them benefit of the doubt in the first instance because they are a reputable professional software after all and there is extensive testing before their forms are approved.

Still an AllStar
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Thanks for the response.

It is clearly a software limitation...

line 31 - non res portion of OH AGI: $38,208

line 32- OH AGI: $36,774

(the difference is OH rental loss because that's all the income that is sourced to OH)

line 33a says "Divide line 31 by line 32 (four decimals; do not round; if greater than 1, enter 1.0000)" BUT it is greater than 1 and instead of entering 1.0000, it is entering 1.0389....

So frustrating! I'm trying to determine if there is a way to override the line 33a to say "1.0000" or if I need to paper file the return....

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Level 15

@jnadrasikcpa-out wrote:

line 31 - non res portion of OH AGI: $38,208

line 32- OH AGI: $36,774

(the difference is OH rental loss because that's all the income that is sourced to OH)

line 33a says "Divide line 31 by line 32 (four decimals; do not round; if greater than 1, enter 1.0000)" BUT it is greater than 1 and instead of entering 1.0000, it is entering 1.0389....

So, it does flow except Line 33a is not limited to 1.0000 as it should.  This will not have an impact on the return since it is a nonrefundable credit and IT 1040 won't allow a credit larger than the as-if FY resident tax.  Agree it doesn't look pretty and is not technically correct. [Edit: But this won't change the result of the OH return.]

@IntuitGabi, could you please raise this with the developers as there is apparently a programming error on the OH Schedule of Credits.  Thanks!

Still an AllStar

It is not allowing me to efile, which is the problem. Is there a way we can fix the issue or suppress the credit so that it is nonrefundable and i can efile?

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I meant to say, it is not allowing me to efile, which is the problem. Is there a way we can fix the issue or suppress the credit SINCE it is nonrefundable and then it should allow me to efile?

0 Cheers
Level 15

If you get a critical diagnostic, did you check the box to ignore it and see whether you're able to efile?

Still an AllStar
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Yes. It was rejected.

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Level 15

Here's Intuit's suggestion for how the diagnostic could be cleared for efiling.


ProConnect Tax equivalence of Lacerte input screen 53 is State & Local > Other Credits > Ohio Credit.

The line item is the same: Schedule 😧 Ohio AGI not earned or received in Ohio [Override]

This is the best alternative to overriding the ratio, an override that is not available, but you will lose IT NRC.

If you prefer not to override, the only option then is to paper file.

Still an AllStar
0 Cheers

Thanks. Glad you tagged Intuit to request a software enhancement. Thank you.

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