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PA-40 Reporting Issue: Accrued Market Discount on U.S. Treasury Note in ProConnect

Level 1

A U.S. Treasury note matured and was reported on a 1099-B with an adjustment to basis for accrued market discount. On the 1040, everything flows correctly:

  • Sch D/Form 8949 shows proceeds, cost, and the accrued market discount basis adjustment, resulting in net gain/loss of zero.
  • Sch B properly reports the accrued market discount as interest income.

PA-40 Issues & Concerns:

  1. PA-40 Schedule A (Interest):

    • Should start with federal interest income but excludes the accrued market discount from Sch B.
    • I would expect to see it included in the federal interest income and coded as U.S. obligation income (PA-exempt).
    • The net number is correct as reported, but it doesn’t align with Federal Sch B, which could raise red flags.
  2. PA-40 Schedule D (Dispositions):

    • Fails to reflect the basis adjustment, it is reporting a difference between gross sales price and cost basis but is leaving the gain/loss column blank.
    • Since no PA schedule reconciles this, it doesn’t foot, making it look incorrect despite the taxable income being accurate.


These inconsistencies could trigger a PA notice, requiring unnecessary time to resolve and potentially affecting client perception. Has anyone found a clean workaround for this, or should I attach a reconciliation statement to preempt a notice?

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1 Comment 1
Level 13

In a normal, no accrued interest or Sch D return, federal B will always be different than PA B.

Bank interest $10, US interest $100. Federal B says $110, PA B says $10.

The rest doesn't matter.

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