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Invite from Tax Preparer not working

Not applicable

I received invite from my tax preparer and when I sign in, getting below message. I have received invites multiple times but seeing same message.

Nothing to do here, you have no requests yet.

Once you receive a request from your tax preparer, you can easily upload and share your tax documents with them here
0 Cheers
3 Comments 3

Hello! Before trying the link, did you already have an account? If so, do you see an "I already have an account" area? If so, click there and log in. Thank you! 

0 Cheers
Not applicable

yes, already have account from last year. In the email received for this year, I am seeing Sign In as the only option. When I sign in, I am seeing above mentioned message.

0 Cheers
Level 2

This is happening to several of my clients this year.  Very frustrating.  Based on a search on this forum, it's been a recurring issue for a while.  Is there a fix for this yet?

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