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Can I efile a US citizen wants to elect a non-resident alien to be treated as a resident alien? What are the steps? the non-resident alien has a SSN.

The US citizen is married to her spouse who is a non resident alien in 2021. The non-resident alien entered USA 2022 and has SSN. Am I able to efile and elect to treat the non resident alien as a resident? Where can I do this on the software? If the non resident alien has some income from abroad, how to report this income on the software?
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Level 15

Yes you can efile it.

I don't know if the election is built in to ProConnect or if you will have to type it.

Enter the nonUS source income the same way you would if it was US source.

Don't forget FBAR and 8938 if applicable.

The more I know the more I don’t know.