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Information Regarding your TY21 Pay By Refund (PBR) Incentive

Please review these helpful FAQs in regard to the TY21 Pay By Refund Incentive Payouts.
Q. How will I receive my Pay By Refund (PBR) Incentive?
A. The PBR Incentive payout is direct deposited into the bank account that was used during tax season to collect your tax preparation fees.
Q. When will I see the incentive posted to my bank account?
A. Incentive payouts are paid out by the end of May so the funds should be available in your bank account the last week of May or the first week of June.  
Q. What will the description look like on my bank statement/transactions?
A. You will see the participating bank (ie. TPG, Refund Advantage, etc) in which you were enrolled as the payer of the direct deposit. It will not show Intuit, or ProSeries or Lacerte.
Q. Why is the amount less than what I am expecting from the volume of returns i submitted via Pay By Refund?
A. Intuit pays incentive on returns funded through 4/18/2022.  If they were funded after that date they do not qualify. Also, if your product was free or if there was a contract associated with your order, there may have been terms specifying that a certain amount of returns needed to be funded before the incentive would qualify on returns thereafter. Also, for those that participated last year, incentive is paid for those returns that are over the amount of funded returns in the prior year. TY21 funded returns - TY20 funded returns = # of funded returns in which you will receive incentive payout.
Q. Will I receive a statement showing the amount of funded
returns that qualify?
A. Yes, a statement will be mailed to you toward the end of May 2022 for the incentive payout.  
Q.  Will I receive a 1099 for my incentive payout?
A.  If you receive over $600 payout, you will receive a 1099 from Intuit to be reported on your Tax Year 2022 return.  During the enrollment process, your W9 information was provided.
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