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Vacation Home but less than 15 days

Level 4

If a "rental" is rented for less than 15 days, the proper way to handle this is to not report the income, and to claim only taxes (and interest IF appropriate) on Sch A. I think Lacerte even says as much here:

How to enter a vacation home for Schedule E in Lacerte (intuit.com)

My question: is there a way to make this convenient for next year? Is there a "pro-forma" box for rentals (like there is for pension income)?

Or does all the property information (or at least all the depreciation items) have to be deleted for this year and then reinput next year, if needed?

Or, for this year, put in no income or expense and then business use of 0% on all the depreciable assets?

Appreciate any thoughts!

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