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Tax software survey 2023

There are many tax problems and calculations that I can solve, for everything else there is Lacerte.

2023 tax software survey - Journal of Accountancy

"More single-preparer firms (nearly 30%) reported using Drake Tax than any other product. Adding to those Drake users others in firms of two to five preparers who also used Drake Tax equaled 47% of respondents in those combined size ranges. That was the highest percentage in the combined range of up to five preparers, although UltraTax CS's 32% in the two- to five-preparer range contributed to placing that product not far behind when adding in the single preparers who used it, for a combined 44%."


4 Comments 4
Level 15

@Strongsilence-CPA wrote:


"More single-preparer firms (nearly 30%) reported using Drake Tax than any other product. Adding to those Drake users others in firms of two to five preparers who also used Drake Tax equaled 47% of respondents in those combined size ranges.

 UltraTax CS's 32% in the two- to five-preparer range contributed to placing that product not far behind when adding in the single preparers who used it, for a combined 44%."


The author of that article clearly doesn't understand how to read that chart.  He can't be adding those percentages to get any meaningful information.


But there are takeaways that are informative and possible useful.  Whether it is "meaningful" is up to the reader.

Level 15

Based on that interpretation of numbers, 84.8% of all firms use Lacerte.  Looks like the analysis is a little flawed.  

As a side note, with the selling and merging going on with Drake, is the support service that was always its strong point going to continue or is it going to turn into more of an Inuit model?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

I think you might be reading it wrong. The way I read it is 17% of those with two to five preparers use Drake tax. That does not include firms with only one preparer. 30% of firms with only one preparer used Drake tax. 44% of firms with 501 or more employees use CCH access tax, and that makes sense as it caters to large firms. The 44% does not include firms with one preparer,  or two to five preparers, Etc, it only includes those with 501 or more. Hopefully this will clarify this, but who knows, sometimes I do spreadsheets from right to left.