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program fails to remember user name on sign-in after clicking box to remember me

Level 1
0 Cheers

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8 Comments 8
Level 15

This is one of Intuit's new customer loyalty tests.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

The software has the onset of early Alzheimer's?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

But that's a browser function, not by Intuit's design...  You may like to check your browser setting again.

Personally, I avoid the auto-fill function like a plague because of security concerns.

Still an AllStar
Level 15

@itonewbie which browser does my desktop use? I can't seem to find any Oreo or Hydrox cookies to change. There are crumbs in my keyboard, but none that Lacerte has access to.

I think @IRonMaN has it right. 



Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15

@George4TacksI thought the OP was referring to OIA login 😅

I don't use auto-fill but my browser does have cookies for 4 Intuit URL's.  Nothing as tasty as Oreo but if they do offer any, I'd surely ask the browser to serve up some Double Stuf. 😋

Still an AllStar
Level 7

Yup,  us too.  Annoying.  It is supposed to save to Microsoft Edge where the next time the program fires up, it checks the saved cookie in Edge and then moves on.


Ya, as far as how the program is doing this year, I can sum it up this way: "Daisy, Daaaaisy giiiivvvee mmeee yoooouur answwwwer tooooooo..."

Level 1

I and all employees starting having that same problem on Thursday and it affects ever year. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

One of our AllStars (previous designation) who has since retired was hit by ransomware (his entire firm) two years ago.  The ONLY reason Lacerte wasn't *kidnapped* was because they didn't use the 'remember me' function.

Since then, neither do I.  YMMV

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