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How do I open Link in MS Edge instead of MS Explorer (from Lacerte)?

Level 3

Now that I'm using Lacerte 2021, it defaults to MS Explorer when opening Link, and I hate that!  How do I change the browser that Lacerte uses?
Thanks for any help!

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6 Comments 6
Level 15

Sorry, Lacerte doesn't let us vote on the browser. Honestly I am surprised that links even work. My default browser is Chrome and Lacerte program links open in Chrome. Their online product ProConnect only works in Chrome and Firefox. I am guessing Lacerte will only work in those two. 


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

I'd be happy to have it open in Chrome, but I don't know how to fix it.  My 2020 Lacerte opens Link in MS Edge.  Anything but Explorer!

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Level 15
0 Cheers
Level 3

Thank you, but that doesn't seem to work within the hosted environment.  I've got my default browser set on my computer but it doesn't seem to matter once I'm in Right Networks.

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Level 15

I guess you will need to learn to love what Lacerte loves. Sorry. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Just to update anyone reading this thread, I called LaCerte and they said this was a mistake and they're aware of it.  It's in the process of being fixed and they'll send an update when it's ready.