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Deleted Preparer Still Assigned to Clients - Fix?

Level 1

We recently hired a new CPA at our firm, and when I entered her info into Lacerte at Settings - Primary Options - Preparers, I discovered that the slot she was entered into was apparently still assigned to a number of clients and auto-populated her name as the Staff Preparer.  I ended up finding her a previously unused slot # through trial and error, but am wondering if there's a better way to do this?  Can I remove a slot # from all the clients it's been assigned to when I delete a previous employee, so it's unattached and ready for a new person to take it over?  Or is it better to just leave the previous employee's name in the slot it's been in so we know not to use that slot # again down the road?

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Level 15

I think you found the answer. NEVER change a preparer once they are entered in the Options. Every new preparer gets a new number.

When you go back to amend an old return, you then would change the preparer number in the return to match the person doing the amendment. When you go back to an old return and want to print a return, it should print with the original preparer on the return. 

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