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Critical Diagnostic

Level 1

Critical Diagnostic states Form 8962, Form 1095-A must have entry in Monthly Premium in any perid where there are entries for Monthly Secord Lowest and /or Monthly Advance Payment.  Client's 1095-A does not have an entry in either Monthly Premium or Monthly Second Lowest Cost, only entry is in Monthly advance payment.  How do I get around diagnostic so return can be e-filed?

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User FIDO 61
Level 8

E-File > e-file Support Tools > Disable e-file Error...

♫ faint buzzing noise ♪
Level 15

"Client's 1095-A does not have an entry in ... Monthly Second Lowest Cost,"

You are supposed to use the Healthcare Marketplace Resources to find the rate that applies and fill in that value.





Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15
Level 15

Did your client pay full price, if so you don't have to include with tax return, just keep for your records

0 Cheers
Level 15

"Did your client pay full price"

Here's the kicker:

"only entry is in Monthly advance payment"

What we have here is the need to reconcile what the person paid, what advanced benefit they were given based on their projections to the marketplace, what their actual income is for this tax year, and how that all relates to the computations for whether or not there will be any reimbursement required or whether the person qualifies for more credits or not. It's monthly, because life circumstances can change through the year, of course. It seems this person had advance credits paid on their behalf to their insurance provider to reduce their premium costs. That doesn't by itself define if their premium is affordable or not, or if their resulting income means the advance should not have been provided.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
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