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Client Letter - Lacerte

Level 1

I would like to create a custom letter to use for all clients with the items that print in the new letter arranged in a different order than is printed on the default client letter.


Is there a way to do that? I only see a way to edit each section and subsection, but not how to customize the order in which they display in the letter. I do not want the current paragraph format.

0 Cheers
2 Comments 2
Level 10

I don't exactly understand your objective because

* users can set up multiple letters; and

* each letter can be customized.

Personally, the current order works for me.

I just posted a suggestion that may or may not address your issue.  Hope you get a chance to read it. 

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.
0 Cheers
Level 10

The subject of my suggestion post:

Lacerte: Standard paragraphs that can be pulled into the Custom Client Letter (Screen 5.2)

Except that "that" was typo'ed into "than"...

Back to the Salt Mines.

I come here for kudos and IRonMaN's jokes.