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Changing client status

Remain Calm
Level 1

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.  In all years prior to 2019 release I was able to drag the Fed e-file Stat column to the left and then under filter on the left hand column expand the Client Status and select either Proforma, Info Pending, etc. All the returns I did for the day that had been printed would show up as Passed Validation and would show up at the bottom where I could easily navigate and select them for back-up.

The problem for 2019 is that I am no longer able to sort this way as the client list remains in alphabetical order which I do not want. My office does a high volume and I need to back up as we complete returns throughout the day as I like to place them in a final status once backed up. I do not always have time to scroll through 6500 clients looking for the recent passed validation.   

Has anyone figured out how to do this in the new tax program?

Thank You

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4 Comments 4
Level 15
Check to see if you are missing an update. Those features should all still work.
Click the status column and all should short by status - click again to reverse order. Drag a column to the left - still works.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Remain Calm
Level 1

I am on the most recent update and look for fresh updates often simply because I am looking for functionality that I am hoping will find its way into the 2019 release.

I have tried your suggestion and it still does not perform like it used to. In 2018 and all prior years, after the client passed validation they remained in a proforma status until I manually change it to final. Sorting by the status in 2019 is not segregating the passed validation to the bottom and simply leaves them among the proforma list. I am not sure if others back up this way or not but no matter how I come at in in 2019, it will not segregate the passed validation returns from the others. I am still left to scan my entire list looking for those ones waiting to be finalized as opposed to dragging the fed e-file column, hitting the end key on my keyboard, and highlighting all the passed validations. What used to be a very quick process where I could back-up 10 clients in a matter of 30 seconds now becomes a chore and removes much needed efficiency.

Any further insight is greatly appreciated.

0 Cheers
Level 15

@IntuitAustin may be able to get this investigated and adjusted.

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 3

Try going to Use Options->Display and make sure the two check boxes are NOT checked.  They are labeled "Automatically adjust..." and "Left column Fixed.  I think this will fix your problem.

Dennis McFerran, RTRP, San Jose, CA