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Printing fiduciary organizers

Level 3

I have literally done every step in this article - Troubleshooting Lacerte error when printing organizers - client failed during processing

and nothing works!   The only think I have not done (which is not in the article is to delete all of the client letters).  Any suggestions?   This is happening in the fiduciary program.

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Level 3

So I figured out the answer and a work around by looking at the error log (found when pressing F10).  Something changed sometime in the program and the program was looking for a file in the 20tax\fid folder with the extension i20.  However, when it is a fiduciary program, and in that folder, all the files have the extension f20.  So I made a copy of the specific file, saved it as f20-old and changed the extension of the file the program was trying to find to i20.

Voila!  My organizers print.  I have emailed Lacerte support with this information, and hopefully a programmer who reads my whole email will understand what happened and fix it.  (I figure someone copied and pasted some coding and forgot change the "i" to and "f").   Anyway, that is what I found for what its worth.