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Please Add Promise Date Priority Fields to Display Column Fields

Level 2

Lacerte programing staff - PLEASE add the ability to us to use the Promise Date field and the Priority fields on our client list screens, and the Custom report fields.   Yes, I know that we can use the Custom Filters button as a cheap substitute.  But consider this, if we us the Custom Filters field for THIS YEAR, that means that if we want to use it again for NEXT YEAR, we would have to take the time to clear out all of the dates for all of our clients for last year, and re-enter them again this year.   It should be a simple programing job to just add those two fields to the display columns selections, and to the custom reports lists, and then automatically reset those fields when we roll over to next year.  It would really make the program much more USEFUL.  PLEASE consider adding this change.   If you did not intend to use the fields for anything, then why have them there in the first place?

0 Cheers