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PDF Form Fill Tools - Tips, Tricks and Framwork - Help Please!

Level 5

For those who have not found this thread, please read and vote.  PDF Version of Organizer

I am starting a new discussion post so as not to hi-jack the Idea Forum thread.  I am not a power user of Adobe, so lack the understanding of it's full capabilities, and thus probably the framework under which these two tool sets work.

FWIW, we are implementing SmartVault and it seems counter productive to push digital out and get paper back.  We do 500+ organizers.

@laccpayou were the first comment and said in part "I agree. I ran all of my orgs through Foxit to make them fillable".

Can you explain this in more detail or point to some references, tutorials and the Foxit tools needed to make this work? 

@DatabaseRobertI have taken a look at your formfill.pdf. and it's great. As I see the same firm name in both the sample form and the video, can I infer you are involved with the PDFAutomationToolSet.    I watched the video (a few times), but honestly not following the process.

Can you please help me understand this more?

Do these tools add the form fill fields during the Lacerte print process or does one need to do in and run a utility after printing?

Does at least the PDFAutomation require Adobe specifically or can this run on other PDF products?

Other resources??

I don't know what I don't know.

Thank you

0 Cheers

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